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Hello, I wanted to get in touch again after 10 years. I had my diaphragmatic hernia repaired by Dr. Löhde. It was so big that you could put a hand through it, with all the terrible consequences that entails. The whole thing took 3 days, then I drove home, still a bit wobbly on my feet. The difficulty in swallowing got better day by day (learned to chew and after about 3 months everything had healed well and settled perfectly.
I was probably the first person whose stomach was not fixed, so they used the 2-layer method instead of the 3-layer method. Since then, I have never had heartburn or stomach acid that ran into my mouth or lungs at night. No more hiccups (that was a real nuisance back then). No more back pain, even when lifting heavy objects. The morning bad breath (the breath of death... 101) is gone. The cardiac arrhythmias are gone, I stopped taking the corresponding medication as it was no longer necessary. I had to pay for everything myself back then, but I have never regretted the decision to have the operation! Once again, many thanks to Dr. Löhde and his excellent team...


After more than 20 years of suffering from heartburn, coughing, and upper abdominal pain, some of which radiated into my back, I decided (after 5 years of research in this field) to use the Löhde method. The surgical procedure corresponds to a real diaphragm repair, and Dr. Löhde and Dr. Thomas are very experienced when it comes to reflux disease. The operation was carried out in Berlin at the beginning of December 2019 by Dr. Thomas. Care was provided before and after the operation by Dr. Löhde. Immediately after the operation, I was free of symptoms. No heartburn, no upper abdominal pain, and the cough went away immediately. During the operation, a 5 cm diaphragmatic hernia was diagnosed, which was partially trapped in the hernia gap. That also explained my pain behind my breastbone, which radiated into my back.
I am very grateful. Grateful that this surgical procedure exists and that a long ordeal is now coming to an end for me. Many thanks to the entire Löhde team!
If you have any questions about my patients, please feel free to contact me in writing.


Surgery 2010: I am still doing well, the surgery was one of the best decisions of my life.


I had an operation for my diaphragmatic hernia in 2008. Since then, I have never had any problems. I can only recommend Dr. Löhde and his surgical procedure.
Thank you again.



I can only say very positive things about my hospital stay in Berlin. We were given a very friendly welcome by Mrs. Zillmer and accompanied to ward 93. The all-round care on the ward was also exemplary, so it was a very pleasant stay. The advice and medical care from Mr. Thomas left nothing to be desired. The operation went smoothly and I was able to get up after just a few hours. My hernia was almost 10 cm and a third of my stomach had been displaced into my chest for a long time. I also had no problems eating and swallowing if I followed the recommendations. What still bothers me a little to this day is the enormous tension in my back. I take 20-30 drops of Novaminsulfon every now and then and then it's relatively good. You just have to take breaks and not be active all day (I really only do light housework)! Now I'm slowly starting to change my diet to normal. It's really important, and I notice this again and again, to eat and chew slowly. I'm still learning! I'm very happy that I decided to use Dr. Löhde's method. Thank you again, dear Ms. Gattermann, for your long and very kind care. I would also like to thank Dr. Löhde and the entire team again. The surgical method used is really only recommended, as the side effects are absolutely limited and after a short time, things almost return to normal.
With kind regards,


I had my diaphragm surgery with Dr. Thomas in Berlin on September 13th, 2018. My symptoms disappeared immediately after the operation, which I am still absolutely thrilled about - I no longer have to take any tablets and can sleep lying down again. The preliminary discussions with Dr. Loehde and Dr. Thomas were very informative and precise. The care at the Vivantes Klinik am Urban was also very good. All of my needs were taken into account and a solution was always found!
Thank you for everything!!


Almost 6 years have now passed since my operation with Dr. Löhde. I had already written in the guest book in 2013.
Since the operation I can do everything again: strength training, swimming, wrestling, etc.
I have no pain!
Thank you so much for giving back my quality of life!


Hi Mrs. Gattermann, I am now at home and wanted to give some initial feedback:

The arrival was a disaster. We arrived on time by car at quarter past eight in the morning (we left at 2 a.m.) and the room wasn't available and I don't think they had any idea about that. I wandered around the hospital with my luggage until 1 p.m. and had to take it to the anesthetist. That wasn't great, of course. They hadn't even thought about my celiac disease. But I had stocked up on food beforehand and so it wasn't a big deal. Nobody really knew how long-term parking worked either until I met someone willing at reception (tip for the next patients with a car: at the end of your hospital stay you can simply press the "Lost parking ticket" button on the parking machine and then just pay the €20 fee, regardless of how long your stay was).
The good thing about all of this: That's pretty much the least important thing about the whole stay and that was really the only negative thing! From now on, only good things will come :)
The nurses were hopelessly understaffed and did such a great job, unbelievable. Not at all irritable or unfriendly, courteous and compassionate. I have huge praise for them, I also left them a big thank you and a tip. The next patients are in excellent hands.

Dr Thomas came to the room on the first day and did the ultrasound, and the man is a real guy. Cool, relaxed, a little out of sorts (not in a negative way at all, but somehow peculiar, a "guy", great).
The operation itself was also great, I think it lasted about an hour and started around half past ten and I think I was back among the living at around 3 p.m. So the anesthetists had already shot me away quite well :)
However, I have a big scratch on my left foot that wasn't there before. I assume they ran into me somewhere :)

The results themselves are simply unbelievable so far. I mean, of course I still have pain and at the beginning I had problems even drinking normal water, but that got/is getting better day by day. The stitches on my stomach are now barely noticeable and I can eat reasonably well (I still eat light food, of course, but that works great). I don't take the PPIs anymore because Dr Thomas said that I was only taking a small amount anyway and we could try stopping them immediately. So far I haven't had any conscious reflux. Simply great.

I will give you some feedback and also write something in your forum and on the internet. That really helped me at the time because I wouldn't have found you at all without this information. I think that's the least I can do. I will give you some more feedback when a little more time has passed.
I can't thank you enough and would really appreciate it if you could send me your address again.

Please keep doing what you do and remain the great people you are, because you really are something special! Thank you so much and have a nice week
Ps: If there is anything else I can do for you or if you need anything else for your study, just contact me
With best regards


Seven years after the operation, I feel the need to thank you again, Dr. Löhde, for the operation.
After 13 years of taking acid blockers - with many side effects - I was freed from the medication immediately after the operation and have had seven wonderful years. No more acid, swallowing or reflux problems. This has given me a lot of my quality of life back.



In September last year, a large axial hernia (> 3 cm) was discovered in my stomach during a gastroscopy. Tissue analysis showed mild inflammation in the lower third of the esophagus.
For months I had been suffering from pain in the area under my breastbone, sometimes stabbing but mostly burning (heartburn/reflux). I also felt constantly hungry. After the examination, the specialist prescribed pantoprazole for me. As I did not want to take this medication under any circumstances because of the terrible side effects, my GP prescribed me alkaline tablets (Basosyx Hepa). I took 6 of them every evening before going to bed. The pain got less - but I could still feel the burning in my esophagus, especially about half an hour after eating.
Because I didn't want to be dependent on pills for the rest of my life and because I knew that this condition could become very dangerous in the long term (risk of esophageal cancer!), I decided to pursue a mechanical solution (surgery). So I spent a long time researching on the Internet what operations there were in this area and read about one terrible procedure after another... until I read about Dr. Löhde's surgical procedure. I was immediately convinced that it could be the solution to my problems. The principle of the operation seemed logical and perfectly adequate to me, contrary to everything I had read before. Above all, after the operation, my digestive system would be restored to its original natural function.
The patient feedback was all so positive that I decided to have a telephone consultation.
Now, after the phone call with Mr. Thomas, I was convinced of the high level of competence and knowledge of these three great doctors!
I had surgery about a year ago (in January 2017) and can only encourage everyone affected to do the same! Life has completely changed for me since then! I can eat whatever I want again and enjoy this important part of everyday life again.
I can only praise these three great doctors and people and their team to the highest degree: you experience all-round loving and careful care from doctors who treat their patients as equals and with a lot of commitment and passion in their work.
That's why I'm really sad to read that this great team had to be disbanded and can no longer operate at the moment. I wish Dr. Löhde, Mr. Thomas and Dr. Luneburg with all my heart that they can settle somewhere else as soon as possible and continue to use their excellent skills. Thank you again for everything and all the best!!


After about 8 years I no longer have heartburn!
I suffered from heartburn my whole life, probably since I was a baby. Nothing helped.
Conventional medicine advised against surgery and preferred to prescribe PPIs instead.
At some point I read about Dr. Löhde and got in touch. After a consultation call, in which the findings of previous gastroscopy were also discussed, it was clear that I would undergo this operation.
In January 2015, the time had come. The operation went well and I was able to eat normally again quite quickly. Unfortunately, the heartburn also came back...
After some time, I started taking PPIs again, but only a quarter of the dose I was taking before.
So it did work somehow. In the summer of 2016, I discussed it again with Dr. Thomas. He recommended the so-called "Tabasco regimen" to make my stomach "less sensitive to pain" again. After 10 weeks, I finally stopped taking Tabasco and PPis completely. However, I was afraid it might start again. To be on the safe side, I stocked up on Riopan.
That was six months ago and I no longer need PPIs or Riopan.
It worked!!!
I would also go to Austria!



Dear Dr. Löhde and team,
In February, Mr. Thomas successfully operated on me for a diaphragmatic hernia. I have been feeling really good since the operation.
As my husband also has a diaphragmatic hernia and massive problems, I wanted to call the practice to make an appointment. As I have now read, the practice has been closed. I am shocked and appalled at the reasons for having to close the Berlin Diaphragm Center. This can't be true! I hope and wish for Dr. Löhde and his staff that the situation here in Germany changes again and that he doesn't have to go abroad. I am at a loss for words!!!!!


Dear Dr. Löhde and team,
I am really shocked by the news. I am still doing really well, even though the operation was three years ago. I am so grateful that I was lucky enough to be operated on by Dr. Löhde. I wish you, Dr. Löhde, all the best and the opportunity to continue practicing your surgical method somewhere. The patients who can no longer be operated on are the clear losers. I hope that you will keep us updated via your website.
All the best from Münsterland. MR



Experience report after the operation in Berlin
Personal details: 57 years old, male, 80kg, high blood pressure, Barett esophagus, ex-smoker, rarely alcohol, regular exercise
When I had a gastroscopy as part of a preventive examination three years ago, the diagnosis of reflux with Barett's esophagus came as quite a surprise to me, as I had no significant symptoms that would have suggested such a finding. Occasionally I had hoarseness, difficulty swallowing and sometimes heartburn, but nothing that made a visit to the doctor seem necessary, a so-called silent reflux. I probably had increased heartburn 20-25 years ago - if I had known then... The treatment was a standard PPI medication and regular monitoring of the Barett's esophagus.
A friend of mine, who had already been operated on by Dr. Löhde 6 years ago, told me about this surgical method. She was immediately free of symptoms after the operation and hasn't had any problems since. I consulted my family doctor, who was not familiar with this surgical method but still recommended the operation. So I made an appointment and went to Berlin. In the conversation with Dr. Löhde and Mr. Thomas, the surgical procedure and everything surrounding it were explained to me, and both of them were convincing.
An operation date for May was arranged at short notice. I was admitted on Monday, the operation was on Tuesday and I went home on Friday. After the operation, apart from swallowing, I had no problems at all and so I didn't need any painkillers. I had already adjusted to the usual changes in my swallowing mechanism. At first I only had tea and crispbread - that was all I could eat in the first few days. But it got a little better every day. My friend reported having far more problems after her operation. My roommate had a similar experience, although he could already drink coffee.
In the meantime, 5 weeks have passed since the operation, my weight has returned to normal (4 kg less after the operation) and I can eat almost everything as usual again, albeit more slowly and in smaller bites or portions.
As a pleasant side effect, my blood pressure dropped slightly by an average of 10 mg systolic and 5 mg diastolic, and this has been the case so far without my usual sporting activities. The PPI medication was already discontinued in the hospital. If there is now an improvement or stagnation of the cell changes in the esophagus, the procedure will have been more than worthwhile.
Conclusion: Clear recommendation for this method and thanks to the entire team! It makes sense to put yourself in the hands of specialists.


I had a diaphragmatic hernia, which caused my entire stomach to slip into my chest cavity and stay there.
Every time I ate something, I had severe pain because my full stomach expanded into my lungs. To such an extent that about 75% of one lung could not be used because the stomach had taken up the space.
The result was breathlessness, iron deficiency anemia and severe fatigue.
I did not have Dr. Löhde and his team operate on me during the first operation.
That was definitely a mistake!
The first operation was performed using the classic Toupet technique without a mesh (a cuff with the stomach was sewn around the esophagus).
Side effects of the surgery were flatulence and a constant feeling of fullness as well as a bloated stomach.
The air cannot be expelled in the traditional way as it would normally be because the cuff blocks the “exit” via the esophagus.
I would also never have been able to vomit again because the way up is blocked when pressure is applied (in layman's terms). So if I had food poisoning, for example, I would have had a real problem.
Well, the first operation lasted just 8 weeks and then the diaphragm tore again, even though I had taken it easy, and my stomach slipped up. Now I had the side effects of the diaphragmatic hernia and also those of the toupee operation.
I have now decided to have an operation with Dr. Löhde.
The surgical report of the first operation and the results of the gastroscopy were sent in advance to the very nice ladies in Dr. Löhde's office.
After a telephone conversation (I live near Frankfurt am Main) with him and Mr. Thomas, I decided to fly to Berlin and have the operation.
The hospital is 10-15 minutes from the airport by taxi, the flight in my case from FFM takes 60 minutes, so it's really not a problem if you live further away.
I had received detailed documents regarding the process, contact point, fee calculation, etc. in advance - very professional!
In my case, the private health insurance covered 100% of the costs.
But even if not, I would have paid for the operation myself. The result is simply worth it.
After a check at the hospital, I had surgery the next day.
The Toupet operation was reversed and the diaphragm was closed using the LÖHDE procedure. The stomach was returned to its original position and a special mesh was sewn into the diaphragm to close the tear.
My stay in the hospital was a few days.
Monday was the arrival including check-up and consultation, Tuesday the operation and Friday the final consultation and return flight to Frankfurt.
The stay in the hospital was made as pleasant as possible. Everyone was very nice and made a lot of effort. Simply great.
If only I had come to Dr. Löhde right away!
After about 5 months I had a follow-up gastroscopy at the local hospital near Frankfurt. And the doctor who performed the endoscopy was absolutely delighted with the result. He had never seen such a perfect result before, even though he has been in the business for over 20 years.
“Very high praise to the top surgeon from Berlin!”
It's now been almost half a year since the operation and what can I say? I have no side effects, everything is going as if I had never had a diaphragmatic tear. ALL side effects from the previous operation and the diaphragmatic tear are gone!!!
I can only recommend Dr. Löhde, Mr. Thomas (over 1000 minimally invasive procedures in total with a focus on inguinal and diaphragmatic hernias!) and the team.
Even if you live further away, I can only recommend making the trip.
Special thanks also go to Mr. Thomas who played a major role in the operation and looked after me so well. THANK YOU!

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